Friday, July 8, 2011

Day One - on the road again!

Well, that was a long day's driving.  We managed to get up bright and early this morning, all 3 of us, and were on our way (after a quick stop at Tim's to fuel us up for the trip).  After 10 1/2 hours of driving - which equates to roughly 1 1/2 books read aloud, we made it to Brooks, about an hour from our first destination - Drumheller and the Royal Tyrrell Museum.  Much of the time was spent in the gap between Manitoba and Alberta.  In fact, following is the only interesting thing that we saw in the province of Saskatchewan:

It did give me an idea, though - I can always send the kids to work in the salt mines to pay for my retirement! Oddly enough, they don't find this very amusing....  The pace starts to pick up tomorrow, as the plan is to make it from Drumheller to the Crowsnest Pass, or thereabouts.  We'll see how far we get!

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